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**Please note- To view the calendar you must be on your computer-
it can not be seen on your mobile device

** Extra Help: 

please check with your child

8:30am- 8:50 am

Tues. (Math) & Thurs. (Other subjects)

Be sure to ask your child for their planner. Some additional dates may be written there that are not found on this calendar.

Fontana Extra Help: (8:30am-8:50am)

Tuesdays- MATH 

Thursdays- Other subjects/ work 

Q:What will my child be working on with you in extra help?
A: Each student will be working on a skill or skills that are tailored to their needs. Please be sure that your child comes to extra help with what he/she would like to work on. Extra help can be used for (but is not limited to): reviewing items that were missed on a test, students that I feel need extra review for an upcoming test based on classroom performance, making up a test from when
a student was absent for an extended period of time due to illness, working on or completion of a classroom project, catching up on the computer component of the reading program.
(I do my best to schedule quizzes/tests on days that students are not out of the room for music lessons. Although this can not always be avoided, please know that it is taken into consideration when I am creating my schedule).
Q: Should I know anything else about extra help?
A: Extra help will not be used as a reteach tool for students that attend band or orchestra lessons.  It is the responsibility of the student to find out the work that was missed while they were at lessons. 
However, if a student is absent for an extended period of times due to an illness, the student may be invited in to attend extra help.  Each situation will be evaluated on a case by case basis.
Q:My child was absent for a test, what should they do?
A: Due to the time constraints of our schedule, every attempt should be made to attend extra help when invited when your child missed a test.  I am designating extra help time as " the time that tests are made up". If this is not possible, another time will be assigned for your child to make up a test.
Q: I am going on vacation and need the work that will be missed, how do I get that?
A: Due to the fact that I have multiple groups of kids for various subjects, requests for work ahead of time can not always be honored. You can email me to let me know that your child will be out and a generic description (ex- Read daily, Write daily, etc.) of what your child can work on may be supplied, but please understand that whatever work was missed during instructional days will be needed to be made up upon the return of your child.  Being present during the lessons is an intergral part of your child's success.
Contact me

Click on the envelope above to

compose an email

Contacting me: Please feel free to contact me anytime you have a question or concern.  
The quickest way to contact me is via email.  I do my best to get back to you within 24 hours and promise to respond every time.  If for some reason you have contacted me and I haven't responded in that time frame, please feel free to contact me again.

"In here... we are all sweet!"

© 2017-2018


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