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RUBE GOLDBERG Type Machine Project

So.... a little over two weeks before our winter break, we had been studying Rube Goldberg machines as part of our STEM & STEAM.... and boy were we having a BLAST! Students participated in classwork group and individual practice projects for a classwork grade. Now it is time for them to show their awesome creativity by creating a drawing of their own RUBE GOLDBERG type machine- as a take home project. All of the project information was given to them during class time, but is also available on the "MORE" tab of this website.


Then choose "projects/worksheets"

You will be prompted for the password. Ask your child for this.

In class, we viewed many different examples of these types of machines. Here is a great website in case you get stuck.(or just for fun!)

Another great resource:

Here is an adorable commercial that features a Rube Goldberg type machine.

(This video was taken from the Rube Tube website)

Ms. Fontana's Class 

"In here... we are all sweet!"

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